Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Cross Media Study Slide 1 - TDKR

Film Media in Context:

How does the industry promote the film to audiences using:
  • Print media?
  • Broadcast media (TV/Radio/DVD)?
  • E-Media?
TDKR uses billboards, bus-stops and the like to promote through print. They also use interviews and articles to promote the actors/actresses and film. All of this creates awareness and starts the whole synergy process. Promotion through broadcast is done with trailers and teaser clips on youtube and was also shown on t.v. and before movies in the cinema. The audience is also able to purchase the DVD on amazon etc and the official website (http://www.thedarkknightrises.com/dvd/home.php). The DVD contains behind the scenes footage which may also be seen on youtube. TDKR also uses –media to promote the film. The film has official pages on both Facebook and Twitter. This is all so the audience can feel even more involved with the film raising popularity.

Now look at each platform individually:
  • What are they key issues and changes taking place in each platform?
-       Print Media is not instant and free like E-Media

Print media in recent years has declined in popularity as it is not instant and is mostly not free compared to the more popular option of e-media. I think this is due to the increase in technology. Although this is the case, the public can read these articles and interviews online, such as on tablets and smart-phones. One disadvantage is information found through print which may be out of date.
Christian Bale Interview EMPIRE MAG
Anne Hathaway Interview EMPIRE MAG
  • TV is becoming less dictated by scheduling (Sky+), more and more specialist channels, competition from the likes of YouTube
The increase of ‘On Demand’ and ‘Plus’ services means that audiences don’t have to dedicate a certain period of time to watch the scheduled program. Instead they can record the program and watch it later at the click of a button. This means that audiences are able to skip over advertisements by forwarding them. This means that the audience may not see the advertisement for the film and therefore the film can’t be promoted to this segment of the audience. This also integrates with online features as the on demand features can be used online or on-the-go.

  • E-Media is hard to police (piracy); people are bombarded with information; social networking and increasing audience participation (user generated content)
E-media has had a great advantage to the industry as it allows audiences to access information and participate on a much greater scale. This makes the audience feel more involved with the film causing them to go watch it. However, with the increase in e-media, there is shown to be an increase in piracy. Because of this, it is becoming increasingly hard to police this piracy.
Trailer 1
Trailer 2

How is each platform responding and adapting to these issues and changes?
  • Focus on how they are adapting to:

Through the change in technology, films have become more wildly available through on demand streaming services (Netflix, iPlayer, etc). However, this can cause people to illegally download said films. Print has also adapted with changing technologies by making articles and interviews available on demand online. This means viewers can read on-the-go aswell.

  • CHANGING AUDIENCE BEHAVIOURS (all audiences, not just the young!)
A change in audience behaviours has shown that views now access social media to find out about films, but, this is a free means of advertising the film.

1 comment:

  1. http://danielasmediastudiesblog.blogspot.co.uk/
    Case Study Peer Assessment
